SHE’S A COVERGIRL THO!!! (Part 2) – On The Cover Of Cosmo Starring Zendaya

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Click on the images above to review the 2016 March, April, May PH Zendaya articles.

Moral Of The Story (And This Is Important Because?)

“The only way I was going to come back to the Disney Channel was if I was in a position of more power,” the K.C. Undercover actress and co-producer shared. “One thing that is really important to me is diversity on the channel. It’s hard as a young person of a different ethnicity or background to look at the TV and not see anyone who looks like you. Representation is very important.”

Source (Read More):

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Let’s see here.

Start off with the PH 2016 Zendaya articles in the month of  March, into April, then to May, and now in June, and BOOM!!!

Zendaya is on the cover of Cosmo where she shares the details about the terms and conditions that she set as a requirement for her return to the Disney Channel, which can be summed up and seen demonstrated in the PH Zendaya article about unleashing the power of women and girls from May 2016!

Go Zendaya Go!
And with that said…once again it’s on…with the show…

Another “P” True Hollywood Story.