SHE LIKES TO GET WATCHED ON INSTAGRAM STORIES – Now How Do We Benefit? Ask Kim Kardashian West



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Moral Of The Story (PH Social Media Business Solutions)

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Off The Top Of The Head….

Kim be like…

“Yep I’m cute, I AM Kimberly Muthafukin Kardashian from the West, and just happen to be in the beauty business among other things, and this or that that is being shown and told on the screen is what we have for sale, so go to yada deeder dadder dot com and make a purchase so you can keep up and not miss out!”

It says go to

It does NOT say to go to so and so @ so and so on Instagram because this extremely relevant e-commerce post on PH explains how money does NOT change hands on Instagram, and since PH Puts The Smarts In The Smartphones for Kim and others of the like, doing otherwise would be wasting up our precious time and energy solely on her own desire to be admired as opposed to actually handling business which is what we are really here to do and do well while keeping her looking well while we’re doing it, as the online publication that can take an online social media filter pic and use it as the cover photo of the publication that is online.


kim kombo


May The Force Be With You…