Daisy Dukes – Because It's Hot Outside, Or Is There More To It?

Brand Building 101

Moreno Valley, CA. 6:44 AM PDT on July 10, 2011 (GMT -0700). Elev: 1705 ft. Lon: 117.2° W. Lat: 33.9° N … Current Data

91°F | °C Sun Mon Tue Wed
Sunny Sunny Sunny Sunny
Partly Cloudy
Wind: S at 10 mph
Humidity: 22%

Sunday Funday!
Words rhyme for a reason, so we can simply report the news and elevate the value of the content simultaneously.

This post was inspired by exactly what was on my mind before I turned on the laptop, and it was a recorded mental image of a young woman that I saw walking down the street in the early morning hours who was attractive and appeared to be exercising to keep her figure intact while enjoying some music on her smartphone which may be the cause of her not quite hearing my words from across the street.

It is a frequent sight in regards to the area in which I reside and actually all across the Southern California region in the summer months and has been as such for as long as I can remember whether outside or indoors.

This mental image then led me to a question that I have also had for as long as I can remember which is stated in the title of the post, yet since I was not able to capture the image that I saw earlier, a Google Image search was conducted in hopes of locating an image that best describes the question, and what it returned with was in the form of the header image of this post.

In closing, I may never know the answer to the question, yet according to my own personal philosophy of acting as The Sun On Earth, I can expect that she will in all likelyhood get sweated by me regardless of the correct answer as a natural flow of the couse of nature.

In regards to the name of the brand for the header image of this post, I invite you to visit the Jesus Jeans company website to gain some valuable insight in regards to it’s vision and voice your complaints and/or orders by using the listed contact information on the website.

Got it?
Good, now on with the show.

A different perspective to consider.