(FALL 2018 REPOST) THERAPEUTIC ENERGY > TOXIC ENERGY – PH Mental Health = True Wealth Solutions Starring Kylie Jenner
|(Editor’s Note – Thursday September 13, 2018)
Article originally published on April 4, 2018 by Rylan Branch
Good Lord!
With all of the ground breaking accomplishments that Kylie has added to her resume in the short five months since the time of this article first being published, one might start to believe without a shadow of a doubt that Mighty Mighty PimpHop.com is the most thorough source of accurate PimpFormation in the whole entire universe, and if it works for Kylie, then it just might could work for you too!
Ponder Yonder.
(End Note)
Moral Of The Story (PH Therapeutic Energy Solutions)
Real Quick…
Without saying more than we need to, we can all conclude that there is a bunch of crazy shit taking place in the world on varying degrees of severity to the extent that it is becoming normalized, so the decision was made here on our end to deal with the matter in a sane and healthy way by stating that one of the main pieces of valuable Pimpformation we obtained from Kylie’s reality show spin off is her demand for and interest in some mental health services, yet she was not able to get her needs fully satisfied with the featured individuals who were recommended to her, yet it can be confirmed with certainty with references available upon request that This Pimpin serves as the ultimate solution for her and those of the like who can actually afford the skyrocketing costs associated with the increasing demand, limited supply, and increasing value of such said provisions.
To Good Mental + Emotional + Physical + Spiritual Health.