Women & Money – Book And Subject Review
|T.G.I.M. Thank God It’s Monday.
Real quick. I have decided to take the day and perhaps the rest of this week to devote my time to studying the actual subject of the title of this best selling book, and I am doing so based on my deep seated belief that it may very well hold the final answers in regards to a sufficient and self sustaining global and intergalactic economy.
While watching the 60 Minutes news interview with U.S. Federal Reserve Bank Board Chairman Ben Bernake, as well as various recent news programs regarding matters of economics including unemployment and tax cuts, I have come to the conclusion once again that with all of the technicalities out of the way, it all again points back to emotions as they continuously refer to the word confidence when it comes to consumers and their spending decisions.
Would it not be the coldest game in history if the most effective solutions for an ailing global economic climate which reach all the way up to the intellectual elite were to come from a website with the name PIMP which is followed by a HOP and concluded with a
A different perspective to consider.