OFFICIAL LIKE A REFEREE’S WHISTLE – Superhero Status Upgrades According To Beyonce

Super Bowl XLVII Promo Image Starring Beyonce

Super Bowl XLVII Promo Image Starring Beyonce

1. a person appointed or elected to an office or charged with certain duties.

2. of or pertaining to an office or position of duty, trust, or authority: official powers.

3. authorized or issued authoritatively: an official report.

4. holding office.

5. appointed or authorized to act in a designated capacity: an official representative.

6. (of an activity or event) intended for the notice of the public and performed or held on behalf of officials or of an organization; formal: the official opening of a store.

Beyonce says: “Let Me Upgrade You.”
We say: “Sho Nuff! Have @It Then.”

Got it?
Good, now on with the show!