SHE LIKES TO GET WATCHED ON SNAPCHAT – Now How Do I Benefit? Mind Over Money Starring #KhloMoney
1. an advantage or profit gained from something.
“tenants bought their houses with the benefit of a discount”
synonyms: good, sake, welfare, well-being, advantage, comfort, ease, convenience;2. a payment or gift made by an employer, the state, or an insurance company.
“welfare benefits”
synonyms: social security, welfare, assistance, employment insurance, unemployment, food stamps;verb
1. receive an advantage; profit; gain.
“areas that would benefit from regeneration”
synonyms: profit from, gain from, reap benefits from, reap reward(s) from, make money from;
Moral Of The Story (PH Mind Over Money Solutions)
Can you picture it?
Good, now on with the show!
Super Focused On The Money Shot.