iGOT IT TO GIVE – A 2013/14 Winter Season Status Upgrade Report By Rylan Branch

Introducing the iGOT. On the back of the card reads "Treat this Card like cash." Sunday December 22, 2013

Introducing the iGOT. On the back of the card reads “Treat this Card like cash.” Sunday December 22, 2013


verb (used with object).
1. to present voluntarily and without expecting compensation; bestow: to give a birthday present to someone.
2. to hand to someone: Give me that plate, please.
3. to place in someone’s care: If you give me your coat, I’ll put it in the closet.
4. to grant (permission, opportunity, etc.) to someone: Give me a chance.
5. to impart or communicate: to give advice; to give a cold to someone.

A winter season perspective to consider.