From The "Arab Spring" To The "American Fall" – Was Glenn Beck Correct?

Cairo, Egypt

Time Square NYC

Not sure how may of our viewers follow this type of commentary, with so many other matters of importance to focus on such as who said what about who on Twitter, but for those who seek to broaden their horizons, Glenn Beck is a popular journalist, speaker and movement leader, who’s out of this world global conspiracy rants were said to be the cause of the cancellation of his popular show on the ultra conservative Fox News channel.


Anyhow, a pretty deep guy and he is who he is.
I simply mention his name in this post because during the Spring Revolts in North Africa and The Middle East, he began to go ape shit on his New World Order discourse teaching his unique views to his devout followers on national prime time television, and one of his predictions was that the commotion was soon on the way to American soil in the form of a Global Caliphate and Islamic Sharia Law would then be implemented soon therafter.