“BAD BITCHES” – We Aint MAD @Em, We Are GLAD @Em! Click Here To Learn Why

bad bitches

The featured images are from an image search query of the term “Bad Bitches”, and serve as a testimonial of the endless supply of good possibilities in life!

Moral Of The Story (Thinking Out Loud)

Authentically speaking…..

My name is Rylan Branch, and TRUTH BE TOLD, I aint never scared of or mad at bad bitches, because for whatever reason, they do tend to like me overall and think that the way that I be, think, and act is a good way to be, think, and act, yet the mystery of the matter resides in the fact that my thinking, being, and acting is actually in large part inspired by such said (bad bitches) who bring out the best in me, including but not limited to the conceptualization of this online publication that was started back in 2002 and has been increasing in the magnitude of “badnees of bitches” that we have proudly showcased over the years.

Now granted, “bad bitches” are not the only type of women that like me and think that the way that I  be, think, and act is a good way to be, think, and act.

There are a few different classifications and labels for women in modern society with good attitudes and conduct who are different from bad bitches to a certain extent, that I aint never scared of or mad at either and am inspired by also.

The most basic point that is being conveyed here with this thinking out loud mental note is simply that I tend to like who likes me, beginning with my own self first and foremost, and believe it to be the most effective stance in regards to relationships with the opposite sex to not be mad at any woman who likes me, as I am not mad at myself for liking me and I like others who agree.

I just make liking me be a rewarding and pleasurable experience, and if it works for me, then it just might could work for you too.

Now let us make a movie, TV show, live performance show, or something for her to star in.


 An “honest with and true to myself” perspective to consider.