Madonna's African Children Adoption Rights- An Endorsement From R.B.


Madonna , which is actually her BIRTH NAME, is no stranger to having a different outlook on things, and over the years, it has been shown to have paid off handsomely.

Of course with her evolving into the spiritual side of the game, such as an interest in

The Kabbalah and Eastern Schools Of  Philosophy, in addition to becoming a mother, she has always remained true to her causes.

Fast forward to the year 2009, with a recent separation from her husband, Guy Ritchie,
and highly publicized encounters with
Alex Rodriquez, the validity of her attempts to adopt children from Africa and other third world nations, has been a recent subject of public scrutiny, even from
Angelina Jolie whose metamorphosis into a similar type of woman with desires to adopt from outside of the American pool of  disadvantaged children has put her and others at odds with Madonna, due to the means by which she recently sought to acquire adoption rights.

I will go ahead and place my support behind Madonna, using a great point of reference which sets her apart from the pack.

Please be sure to view the video clip below which was created in 1989
as one of the most controversial music video productions in the history of the medium.

An excellent gift  just in time for the Easter Holiday!
My resolution states that if this is what Madonnas vision of the future holds,
then by all means……
Let Her Do Her Thang!

A different perspective to consider.