Nexus One vs. iPhone- Clash Of The Titans
|Ladies and Gentleman, we are proud to introduce the marketing bout of the millennium.
In the red corner, we have the challenger, recently introduced to the world by Google Inc. as the Nexus One mobile phone.
In the blue corner, we introduce the current champion and front runner in the mobile phone arena, introduced to the world by Apple Inc., known as the grand incredible iPhone 3GS.
The storyline behind this epic clash of the titans is as follows.
Expert analysis revealed that something enormous was bound to happen in the near future as soon as Eric Schmidt, CEO, and Co Founder of Google Inc., was announcing his departure from his position on the board of directors at Apple Inc.
This news shocked most of the marketing world, as many individuals were not aware of the fact that a CEO of a major technology company actually sat on the board of directors for another industry titan, while still maintaining his duties as an executive at the company that he was simultaneously employed by and co founded.
The news became public as the U.S. Federal Trade Commission began to open investigations regarding the relationship and possibilities of unfair monopoly practices.
The official statement from each of the companies CEO’s
(Steve Jobs and Eric Schmidt) was that the split was a mutual agreement reached by each, based on the fact that Google was now entering into the mobile phone and software development industry sectors which would make each company a competitor and cause a conflict of interest in the relationship process.
As of three years ago, Google entered the mobile phone arena with the introduction of the G1 phone, introduced by T Mobile, which was the first to be branded as a Google Phone, as it utilized a software platform for mobile phones known as Android, which is developed by Google Inc. Prior to this time, i Phone, introduced by Apple, was the first touch screen phone on the market, which utilizes software platforms made by Apple Inc., along with the introduction of the now highly popular product known as mobile phone apps.
In the early days of development, Apple ran into difficulties as it disallowed what is known as
Open Source Development, which is a concept that allows independent software developers the means to produce programs for the mobile phones. They then realized that individuals with what is known as a hacker mentality, would actually be inspired to create programs by the dis allowance of independent development, and saw that developers were able to create programs that would allow the phone to be used with multiple service providers as opposed to the single carrier selected for partnership by Apple, which was AT&T.
During this time, Google first announced their new Android software, and created it to be Open Source, allowing developers to create apps and even offered pay incentives to developers for apps that were most useful and innovative.
Over a brief span of two years, the mobile smart phone market became astronomically popular, and the market share for innovative phone usage was sparked by Apple and their touch screen i Phone.
The company known as Research In Motion (RIM), previously held the market share in the smart phone arena with their Blackberry devices, which began primarily as a phone for business users, then expanded into personal user markets, due to its ability to connect to the Internet and send and receive text messages, which is currently an abundantly used means of communication.
Blackberry, a multiple carrier smart phone, discovered that it was not difficult to develop the same touchscreen technology for their phones, and introduced the Blackberry Storm which allowed existing Blackberry users to utilize the same tools, which were previously only being offered by Apple i Phone with AT&T service and the G1 phone with T Mobile service.
This led to a market frenzy, due to the fact that Blackberry already had partnerships with most of the major mobile telcom providers including Verizon, T Mobile, AT&T, and Sprint.
Other phone manufactures such as Motorola, Samsung, Sony, Palm, and a host of others began to follow suite and develop phones with the same capabilities. Within a short amount of time, Google Inc. made an extremely relevant power move, by forming a strategic partnership with RIM, to allow usage of their Android Software on Blackberry phones which again, are used with multiple service providers, on the now standard singular network, known to the world as 3G.
Throughout the entire process, Apple has remained consistent with their marketing approach and has remained exclusive, and the price points for their product has remained stable and substantially higher than average, along with their popularity as the originator of the current trends in the mobile phone arena.
Not to be undone, as of yesterday, Google Inc released their very own phone known as the Nexus One, which officially classifies them as a phone company in a sense, as well as a software developer for other mobile phone carriers.
The factors which make this a clash of the titans rests in the fact that Google as a company is traditionally known as a search engine website with other web services, which generates large profits through its advertising and search ranking provisions.
To make it simple and easy to comprehend, each of the above companies would actually be seen as paying for advertising and ranking positions on the Google search engine site, which is currently the main provider of  search service in this arena, yet they simultaneously can advertise their own products on their own site locations, which is in direct competition with the competitors who compensate them for their advertising services.

Nexus One Google Phone Advertisement On Google
As an example, the Nexus One phone began to appear on the Google homepage yesterday during its public debut, which would indicate that if an individual is searching for anything on the web though Google, and perhaps utilizing a mobile phone to connect to the web, they would first see the
Nexus One phone advertisement before they see anything else that they may be in search of, as again, it was on the home page which is free of any other advertisements or listings and is where billions of people begin their search queries every single day.
Regardless of this Tactic, Apple Inc, does not appear to be phased, as they still provide the most
in demand smart phone on the market, which may prove that Google and all other competitors have made an error in judgment by neglecting the “LESS IS MORE” rule in marketing, and lowering the demand for each of their products due to over exposure in an attempt to stay up to par with the  i Phone as the industry trend setter and standard bearer of excellence.
Then, there is the minor detail which brings to light the current buzz circulating around the rumor that Apple, is focused on a new, yet to be released, and yet to be confirmed as actually existing, product which is likely to revolutionize the PC market, to the same extent that i Phone and i Pod impacted each of their technology arenas, while maintaining dominance in an arena that they conquered from the beginning, and are not currently fixated on as are their competitors.
The actual final decision rests with you as the consumer, and we are here to simply report the news and hand out grades for quality assurance and performance standards, so let the battle for market dominance continue.