|Today is your lucky day, and if I were you I would have checked into this too.
Over the years, beginning with Yahoo Groups and then, I noticed the great tendency and demand for people to have their pictures seen and their voices heard.
What then transpired is a custom which shows that individuals wanted to post their advertisements on the pages of others in order to gain attention, yet reluctant to do the same in return, which results in selfishness and division.
In the name of generosity and multiplication, where we differ as an organization is that we want to see others besides ourselves win, and are actually here to assist you in your quest for success which is a large part of the reason why such a thing called an Internet Magazine exists, which is the bring awareness to the good works of others.
Beginning today, we will be opening up our
and dedicating it to the specific cause of helping you to gain exposure for yourself and your products and shine in front of the audience which is looking for exactly what it is that you bring to the table.
If you have an advertisement banner, simply send it in a note, and we will place it on the front page or picture gallery. You also have the option of simply leaving your advertisement in the form of a comment, with all of the HTML options that you can use, all free of charge.
We will also be adding random friends to the Top Friends list, and creating Model Galleries, as mainstream media celebrities already have enough exposure to begin with, right?
All that we request from you is that you help to spread the word about our mission, as we do use our social networking profiles as a means to discover new and exciting people and products that may ordinarily go over looked.
Also be on the lookout for personal profiles and exposure initatives here at
Your Friendly Neighborhood which will assist you in your quest to win it, which is the reason why we are all in it ..right?
Whether talking the talk, and/or walking the walk, at we walk and talk with and for you, not against you.
A different perspective to consider.