The World's Oldest Profession – How Does It Relate To The New Global Economy?
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It stands to reason from an intellectual standpoint that with degree to which people are now able to communicate in the information age, which in the past would have been considered as pure science fiction, and at the same exact time of this advancement in communication capabilities, the global economy, socioeconomic class systems, and labor practices experiencing a paradigm shift, the subject of the world’s oldest profession seems to fall in line perfectly for discussion as a start point for the new world and it’s order.
Keeping my own two cents for later and simply sparking the brain cells of our viewers, I will simply pose the question as to what you may believe about it and question whether or not social media, combined with the age old concept of guy/girl dot connection now combined with the use of words and pictures in digital format is pointing to this line of thought.
The World’s Oldest Profession – How Does It Relate To The New Global Economy?
A different perspective to consider.