@rihanna – Well Behaved Bitches Seldom Make History

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You know how the game goes about calling women bitches and ho’s expect for when they use it amongst themselves, but whatever works is the motto for yours truly on this good Friday.

In my recent attempts to get in where I fit in and subsequently master this emerging global Twitter pehnomenon, it appears that I seem to be finding what I am looking for, which is clever communication, so with all of the Rihanna rumors circulating on the web, I decided to just add some value and blessings to her cause while considering that there is some need for some form of a religion or ideology that focuses on this type of mind set that is working for Rihanna with this header image and phrase acting as her Twitter profile pic.

In closing, on Twitter it’s @rihanna, and as was stated earlier in the week here @PimpHop, it’s about a philosophy, mine, yours, and ours.

A different perspective to consider.