Snoop Dogg As The New CEO Of Yahoo?
|This is one that belongs in this section.
In technology news, the industry witnessed Carol Bartz the CEO of Yahoo step down after years of negative criticism, and the news has been followed by a series of entries on Twitter from Snoop claiming the vacant position.
Now as much humor and “izzle dizzle” weed jokes as there are floating around about this claim, the news has generated quite a buzz in various industries including tech, and some of its key players are now all in on the wire .
Chief Financial Officer Tim Morse was named interim CEO. After hearing the news, Snoop Dogg Tweeted: “Im takn over as tha CEO of Yahoo. Need sum of tha Snoop Dogg content ya digg. Nuff Said.”
A message posted by a Twitter account said to be Morse’s and named @NewCEOofYahoo later read: “Haha Snoop Dog, sorry that position is already filled I enjoy listening to your music on @Yahoo_Music available
Yahoo! has not verified the authenticity of the Twitter username.
Snoop Dogg, a popular southern California hip hop performer, continued joking about the matter, later Tweeting: “My name is alread raisn tha stock price of Yahoo uhearme!! Bout to call a board meeting!”
I know huh?
Imagine if something like this were to happen.
A different perspective to consider.