Prostitutes Selling Sex On Facebook? FOX NEWS Report

So, What Brings You To These Parts?

Humpday it is!
Before we begin today’s discussion on the oldest profession in the world, or perhaps the newest profession in the new world, lets have a look at what “the experts” are saying from a news segment provided by your friendly neighborhood Fox News based on a study by a Columbia University professor who has devoted ample time towards the studying of trends of
“the trade” in the information age.

NYC Prostitutes Selling Sex on Facebook, Professor Claims

Facebook is becoming a hotspot for illicit adult entertainment.

New York City’s prostitutes have gotten the Facebook bug.

City sex workers are now increasingly plying their trade on Facebook, after popular classifieds website Craigslist shut its Erotic Services section last year, according to a recent study.

Sudhir Venkatesh, a sociology professor at Columbia University, has been analyzing trends of the world’s oldest profession, publishing his results in the latest issue of Wired Magazine. Venkatesh estimates that the average escort now finds 25% of clients through Facebook.

“Even before the crackdown on [Craigslist’s] adult-services section, sex workers were turning to Facebook: 83 percent have a Facebook page, and I estimate that by the end of 2011, Facebook will be the leading on-line recruitment space,” Venkatesh wrote in Wired.

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Well, for those who wish to hear my side of the story, it is simply that the advice that I have been given over the years says that intelligence is often measured not by what one says, but rather by an individuals ability to know when and how to shut up and listen to what others are saying and then acting accordingly, so I can just close by giving a shout out to Facebook as a social media phenomenon, because it indicates that there is a demand for online services that allow individuals the ability to organize political revolts in the name of liberty, and interestingly enough at the same time open up communication lines for the worlds oldest/newest profession also in the name of liberty.

Go ahead, I’m listening.

A different perspective to consider.