PimpHop Approved Status Featuring Katarina Jozanc – Become A Part Of Something Great!

Katarina Jozanc - The Mysterious "PH APPROVED" Banner Model Revealed

(Editors Note 6/9/2012)
Originally Published on Oct 20, 2011 @ 9:48 233 days ago

ap·prove[ ə pruv ]

1. intransitive verb - like somebody or something: to have a favorable opinion of somebody or something

2. transitive verb –  give something official agreement or acceptance: to give formal confirmation that something is satisfactory

[ 14th century. Via Old French < Latin approbare “assent to as good” < probus “good” ]

(End Note)

Well, you see, what had happened was…..

The day started with the regular routine of making social media rounds and today was a special exception due to the new buzz being generated by Google+ now being opened to the public and subsequent upgrades on Facebook in an attempt to match the firepower.

This of course offered new options to learn about and while on the PH Staff profile page, I noticed one of those random picture rating posts that is provided as an application by some company on Facebook, yet I due tend to always research the source of the post as with the algorithms in place, it has shown to be actually looking to connect the user to something of importance even though one may pass it off as insignificant at first glance and my theory again proved to be correct as pictured below along with the rest of the story.

Center Stage With
Katarina Jozanc

Imagine The Possibilities.
This is the phrase that led to the birth of what you are viewing in regards to this online publication, and back in 2004 in the beginning stages when we used to feature exotic models, I was blessed to have come across this young lady by the name of Katarina, who hails from Windsor, Ontario in the nation of Canada, by way of Croatia. Her story is unique to say the least yet I simply recall speaking to her by phone and noticing just how much of an appreciative and positive attitude that she had which was a refreshment during those times and a relief in the present.

Coming across her and her profile again, that had been available on our Facebook PimpHop Staff profile speaks volumes about the stance that there are just certain things that go beyond algorithms and other technological advancements which could be labeled as the simple magic of human kind, and this can serve as a message and starting point for an organization which seeks to demonstrate how these scenarios can be enhanced by technology tools as opposed to an attempt to replace them which seems to be the trend as of late with the introduction of vast applications and services on the world wide web.

In closing to conduct yet another “if I had my way” demonstration, we will add a mini gallery with Katrina to reintroduce her to the world with her name and face intact this go around and have it stand as an example of what is available for those individuals who believe themselves to be worthy and agree with the stance and may wish to become apart of something great.

For more information about PimpHop.com Lifestyle Magazine, simply submit an inquiry at this link.
For more information about Katarina, simply click her name to visit her on Facebook.

A PimpHop.com Style Social Media Perspective To Consider.