(FOCUS) MANDATE OF HEAVEN – “Thou Shalt Seek To Play For The Winning Team!!”
“Thanks so much to all the #beauties that came out last night to help us celebrate the opening of #mandateofheaven #manhattan ! XOX @abbymerrick @jennybagel @sweetserenitee — with Abby Merrick, Jenny Zhang and Rachel Kay.” – www.mandateofheavenclothing.com
MOTION PICTURE PIMPIN’ – Edutainment And Job Creation Initiatives From Mandate Of Heaven
1. the act of a person or thing that wins.
2. Usually, winnings. something that is won, especially money.
3. Mining.
a. any opening by which coal is being or has been extracted.
b. a bed of coal ready for mining.
4. that wins; successful or victorious, as in a contest: the winning team.
5. charming; engaging; pleasing: a winning child; a winning smile.
A winners circle perspective to consider.