APPROVAL – The MOST Successful People Tend To Be The LEAST In Need Of It #MoneyMonday


Social Approval

Social approval is the positive evaluation of an individual or group in a social context. The social reinforcement provided has important implications for social behavior, in that people will generally consistently act in ways to win approval and avoid criticism.

Intrapersonally it is important for peoples self esteem to win social acceptance.

At the interpersonal level the construct is important in understanding group dynamics, intergroup relations, peer pressure, and idea of popularity and reputation.



Moral Of The Story


(Repost) WEALTHY STATUS – A State Of Being That Is Created, Generated, And Appropriated

PIMP STATUS – That Which Does NOT Depend On Approval And Liking From Others For Validation

VIP – Status Level That Ninety Nine Percent Of Social Media Users Would Like To Be



Greetings Earthlings and T.G.I.M. (Thank God It’s Monday!)

Be sure to review the articles at the hyperlinks above for a greater understanding of this line of thinking.

Authentically speaking between us as friends, my own personal life experience always confirms the notion that those who are the least in need of a thing from others, always wind up in the best position to provide any such said thing for others.

A self reliant perspective to consider.