FACEBOOK BUY BUTTON – When “Business vs. Personal” Gets Put To The Test On Social Media


Facebook’s ‘buy’ button lets you purchase products in posts

Shoppers can click the “buy” button to purchase items in adverts or other posts without leaving Facebook
Andy-Trotman_60_1951925jBy Andrew Trotman
11:55PM BST 17 Jul 2014

Facebook has introduced a new feature that will let users buy products directly from its website.

Shoppers can click a “buy” button to purchase items in adverts or other posts without leaving the social network.

Facebook, which boasts 1.2bn users, said this will “help businesses drive sales”.

Source (Read More): http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/mediatechnologyandtelecoms/digital-media/10974851/Facebooks-buy-button-lets-you-purchase-products-in-posts.html



Moral Of The Story (Solution)





Greetings Earthlings and T.G.I.F. (Thank God It’s Free Day)

If you clicked on this entry for review, it is our believe that you have some personal interest in business affairs as they relate to online social activities, and if our assessment is accurate, simply click on any or all of the three article preview images above this paragraph, and we can continue on with the exploration together, as whatever will be, can only come about as a result of what we each individually, and then collectively, decide what works best for us.

An entrepreneurial spirited perspective to consider.