IT IS MORE BLESSED TO GIVE THAN TO RECEIVE (Part 2) – Starring Selena Gomez ft. Mark Zuckerberg

Instagram’s biggest star in our smallest room. Thanks for stopping by @selenagomez

A photo posted by Mark Zuckerberg (@zuck) on






Click on the images above to review the PH Selena Gomez articles.

Moral Of The Story (PH Gift Of Giving Solution)

(Editor’s Note – Tuesday May 17, 2016)
Welcome Home.

The content below was created last week on Friday May 13, 2016 during the time of our “BE QUIET” exercise, and it (the article) was made for the purpose of self analysis and self inventory for yours truly, so that we can put our valuable investments of time and attention into proper alignment in order to get the best possible returns, and since we do use the services of both Facebook and Instagram, it just feels good to be in a position to give back, and have the ability to come to the table with some valuable and helpful services and resources of our own.

(End Note)

Wait a minute?

Now WTF is the real deal with Mark Zuckerberg?

He seems to think that sitting behind a computer, investing in women and girls, and developing tools that give her the solid support necessary to help her to get her point across and increase her star power is an ideal investment of valuable time and energy.

I mean, aint he at least smart enough to understand that he should be behaving like many millions of others are by “shooting the shit” on his smartphone about non business related matters on an ever continuous basis, and hopping on Facebook and Instagram to try and get his social media game on point by distributing and sipping on tea, along with getting out into the world so that he can get some footage of himself flossing his wealth and good fortune and get his current Insta likes and followers count up from a measly

in order to increase his swag and be just as relevant as Selena and others on the network who are in the same popularity contest on both Instagram and Facebook, just for starters?

His thought process for whatever reason, is similar to what we find here at Life Experience Magazine, where notions like Girls Just Wanna Have Fun and Life = Women + Money are the reoccuruing themes and even in his post on “The Gram” with Selena that is featured in this post, it says that “Creativity Is A Job Like Any Other”, while inside of a small space with a big star representing a less is more mentality, which is all in alignment with the recurring Twitter embeds down below.

Well, we wish Zuck the best, and hope he smartens up like all of the smart non self made multi billionaires on the Internet who are continuously found kicking knowledge about whats required for success and cooping with failure, knowledge that is different from what we get here with the flow, but which ever way, it’s still The Knowledge Economy, with PH @ Your Service, coming to the table with some enormously valuable publicity, and with that said, it’s on with the show!


A Mark Zuckerberg perspective to consider.