EXCELLENCE – Can You Relate? The Benefits Of An Attitude Of Gratitude Starring Ayesha Curry
Moral Of The Story (Being Acquainted With Excellence)
Whatever you focus on, you give strength to…what are you focusing on? #Focus https://t.co/4bCXxiVeMb — Creflo Dollar (@Creflo_Dollar) March 18, 2015
“That’s what this effort is all about. It’s about creating a world where women shine.” —FLOTUS on #LetGirlsLearn: http://t.co/8n1tGpQJME — The First Lady (@FLOTUS) March 23, 2015
Life=Women+Money & #Hollywood Aint Nuthin But Some Words And Pictures. Guess the PIMP thing 2 do is VISUALIZE it tho! pic.twitter.com/wWiqzn2jHN — PimpHop.com (@PimpHop) March 17, 2015
A hard-nosed argument for investing in women and girls from @JacqEHoward: http://t.co/nhh22OA0PK — Bill Gates (@BillGates) February 2, 2015
Question: Whatever you focus on, you give strength to…what are you focusing on?
Click this link to review the PH Ayesha Curry Excellence articles.
Answer: I AM focusing on the excellent decision made by Ayesha Curry to reverse the game by recognizing that there are in fact some people who do want some good smoke which then inspires her to open a restaurant named International Smoke in the city with the second highest cost of living in North America, known as San Francisco, California!
Super Focused.