EXCELLENT MENTAL HEALTH – A Perfect Demonstration Starring Cheyenne Laneé, The Motor City Oprah

mental health


THIS SATURDAY CATCH ME HOSTING AT @opyum_8mile for #opyumsaturdays !!!! Good food good drinks & a great time !! 😎😎 A post shared by Cheyenne Laneé (The Prototype) (@caramelapple_chey) on

Moral Of The Story (PH Mental Health Solutions)

Oprah Winfrey talks about her tryst with depression

Posted on 08-22-17 in Depression, Mental Health, Treatment

Mental health problems are so common that nobody is immune to it. Ranging from the commoner, to street dweller to high achievers from any discipline, mental disorders spare no one. In a recent interview with the Vogue, slated for a September release, the queen of reality television, Oprah Winfrey talked candidly about her mental health problems. She revealed how she felt like being behind a veil. Oprah declared herself to be one of the millions of people who have experienced the debilitating effects of depression.

Source (Read More): https://www.sovhealth.com/mental-health/oprah-winfrey-talks-tryst-depression

The Creators vision for yours truly is to create and offer that which helps her to align with The Creator so that when she claims that she’s “dope as fuck”, the inner feeling and outer results will confirm it, eliminating any and all psychological malfunctions in the process.


Luke 13:12- When Jesus saw her, He called her over and said to her, “Woman, you are freed from your sickness.”

Use Super Scientifical Pimp Powers like Jesus Christ is said to have used in the Bible verse above, with the ability to talk her into and out of anything, including but not limited to into her wellness and out of her sickness.

Got it?
Good, now on with the show.


An extremely interesting similarly different perspective to consider.