EVEN ONLINE IT AIN’T EASY – Monday Motivation On A Sunday Starring Malika Haqq
1st of the month *friendly reminder your rent is due* A post shared by Malika (@forevermalika) on
Moral Of The Story (The Power Of PimpHop Culture)
Pimpin’ Ain’t Easy is the title of a 1989 song by rapper Big Daddy Kane from his album It’s a Big Daddy Thing. It may also refer to:
A 1987 song by rapper Ice-T from the album Rhyme Pays, parenthetically titled “Somebody Gotta Do It (Pimpin’ Ain’t Easy!!!).
A 2003 episode of the sitcom Yes, Dear.
Source (Read More): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pimpin%27_Ain%27t_Easy

Big Daddy Kane & Jay-Z on Rap City (1990) (VIDEO).
Between us as friends, sometimes there are individuals who are just not really willing and or able to under dig where we’re really coming from with all of this ‘pimpity PIMP pimpiszm’, so the decision was made to just let some other folks do the talking on this pimp-fomercial, and chalk it up as some motivation on Monday, while watching the Lakers vs. Rockets game at 7:08 PM Pacific on a Sunday!
Did it for the culture…