WELCOME TO THE ATTENTION ECONOMY – PH 2018 Entrepreneurial Support System Starring Kris Jenner


Gale Encyclopedia of E-Commerce COPYRIGHT 2002 The Gale Group Inc.
The attention economy is a buzz term that was used in the late 1990s and early 2000s to describe the economic period that followed, in succession, the agricultural economy, the industrial economy, and the information economy. On the heels of the information economy, according to proponents of the attention-economy concept, human attention has become the scarcest resource amidst the swirl of information constantly bombarding consumers. The proliferation of communication media—television, radio, telephone, print, wireless communications, and the Internet—and their expanding and overlapping reach, creates a situation in which audiences are easily distracted. In order to gain and hold consumers’ attention in such an environment, marketers must offer messages that audiences find meaningful and significant. Thus, products and services must be sold and marketed not just on their merits of utility, cost savings, and enjoyment, but with a thick layer of symbolic packaging and narratives that confer meaning in order to capture consumers’ attention and money. In short, the attention economy privileges and emphasizes context over content. Source (Read More): http://www.encyclopedia.com/economics/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/attention-economy


Happy New Year everyone!! Wishing you love and blessings!!! ❤️🙏 A post shared by Kris Jenner (@krisjenner) on

Moral Of The Story




Scenario #1 = If a man was to be in a committed relationship with a woman, and that man was found to be paying a significant amount of attention to another woman besides his relationship partner, what would the sentiments of the woman in the relationship be in regards to the valuable attention being invested outside the relationship?
Right, and since attention, in the form of support, is showing to be an extremely valuable, IF NOT THE MOST VALUABLE commodity in the new global economy, we are starting off the new year by upping the ante and raising the bar for what is required for an investment of some of ours.


Money + Power + Respect.