REPOST – Money Matters Part 4 – The Climax

(Editors Note – March 01, 2010)
Two months done, and ten months left until 2011.
I will be reposting some of our most valuable content for the month
of March 2010, to confirm that relevant news remains eternally valid.

This particular entry is part of a four part series known as
Money Matters, and I invite you as a valued reader to reflect on two key elements.
A. Forward motion
B.  Positive emotions.

Time reveals ALL things, and when it comes to
The “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” Movement, what you see, really is what you get.
On With The Show!

(End Note)

Welcome Home.
The numbers and signs are showing that once again, whatever this thing called really is , it is something that is in great demand, so to show our appreciation for your interest, I will continue the process adding to and increasing the bennifits that you recieve from making the wise decision to tune in to the show. Its good old fashioned team work, which is said to make the dream work.

This entry is the final installment of the Money Matters series which feature a few edcutational videos by Bob Proctor along with some of my own personal commentary.

To review the previous entries, simply click the following link
Money Matters

Saving the best for last, the key point of emphasis for this last video relates to the fact that every single thing here at happens for a sound and logical reason, so I invite you to focus in on the factors which lead to the featuring of song from a happy young lady by the name of Michelle, singing what I believe to be my favorite song in the year 2009 entitled

Money Money Loves Me.

In the continuance of our mission, you have the opportunity to discover why things flow in this fashion and perhaps you as a young woman maybe willing and able to become initiated into the mysteries of the orders of operation that you are witnessing.

In closing, my stance on current world issues is actually quite simple. I hold the age old adage that people make the world go round as an actual fact, therefore, the condition of ALL THINGS in the world, including but not limited to economics and health care, are directly related to the condition of the citizens of the world, so we are simply doing our part to add to the condition of wellness, and offer those who may wish to partke of the opportunity to do as we do.
Put in another way, I fully believe in  what I have been blessed to have heard.

Your HEALTH is your WEALTH!

A different perspective to consider.


Written By
R. Branch
Code Name
Scotty Pimpin