THE WESTSIDE OF PARADISE – Live From The Upper Room (Vacation As A Vocation July 2013)

"In the cut watching the show, so show us whatcha got. BIG PIMPIN IS WATCHING YOU!" Rylan Branch - July 29, 2013

“In the cut watching’ the show, so show us whatcha got. BIG PIMPIN IS WATCHING YOU!” Rylan Branch – July 29, 2013


[par-uh-dahys, -dahyz]
1. heaven, as the final abode of the righteous.

2. an intermediate place for the departed souls of the righteous awaiting resurrection.

3. ( often initial capital letter ) Eden ( def 1 ) .

4. a place of extreme beauty, delight, or happiness.

5. a state of supreme happiness; bliss.

A paradise found perspective to consider.