PICTURE ME WINNING! – PH Winning Decisions/Pay Friday Initiatives 11-08-2013



1. a visual representation of a person, object, or scene, as a painting, drawing, photograph, etc.: I carry a picture of my grandchild in my wallet.
2. any visible image, however produced: pictures reflected in a pool of water.
3. a mental image: a clear picture of how he had looked that day.
4. a particular image or reality as portrayed in an account or description; depiction; version.
5. a tableau, as in theatrical representation.

"I'ma tell you what Banks told 'cuz go 'head switch the style upAnd if they hate then let em' hate watch the money pile up." - 50 Cent In Da Club

“I’ma tell you what Banks told ‘cuz go ‘head switch the style up
And if they hate then let em’ hate watch the money pile up.” – 50 Cent In Da Club


1. the act of a person or thing that wins.
2. Usually, winnings. something that is won, especially money.
3. Mining.
a. any opening by which coal is being or has been extracted.
b. a bed of coal ready for mining.
4. that wins; successful or victorious, as in a contest: the winning team.
5. charming; engaging; pleasing: a winning child; a winning smile.

A winning perspective to consider.