(Repost) “PRIVATE SECTOR” Jobs – The Game According To Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton on The View 2011. Self Explanatory.

Bill Clinton on The View 2011. Self Explanatory.

(Editors Note – Saturday April 27, 2013)
Originally Published on: Sep 6, 2012 @ 16:47

Clinton Foundation

Our Mission

The Clinton Foundation works to improve global health, strengthen economies, promote health and wellness, and protect the environment by fostering partnerships among businesses, governments, nongovernmental organizations, and private citizens.

Source: www.clintonfoundation.org

(End Note)

A Tweet From Some Bill Clinton Fans And Supporters Who Scored The Photo Op in May 2012 (@jennifer_taule @brooklynleexxx and @TashaReign with @BillClinton.

” Of course, we need a lot more new jobs, but there are already more than 3 million jobs open and unfilled in America, mostly because the people who apply for them don’t yet have the required skills to do them. So even as we get Americans more jobs, we have to prepare more Americans for the new jobs that are actually going to be created. The old economy is not coming back. We’ve got to build a new one and educate people to do those jobs.”

– President Bill Clinton 2012 DNC Speech


A Presidential Pimpin’ perspective to consider.