TIME IS MONEY & VISION IS 20/20 – PH Tuesday Newsday Report 12-17-2013

"Adding value to my words!" - Rylan Branch Tuesday December 17, 2013

“Adding value to my words!” – Rylan Branch, Tuesday December 17, 2013

20/20 Vision

By Troy Bedinghaus, O.D.
Updated January 15, 2009

Definition: 20/20 vision is a measurement of visual acuity. 20/20 visual acuity means that a person can see small detail from 20 feet away the same as a person with normal eyesight would see from 20 feet. If a person has a visual acuity of 20/40, he is said to see detail from 20 feet away the same as a person with normal eyesight would see it from 40 feet away. It is possible to have vision superior to 20/20: the maximum acuity of the human eye without visual aids (such as binoculars) is generally thought to be around 20/10.

Source: http://vision.about.com/od/eyeexaminations/g/acuity_test.htm

Moral of the story

There does not always have to be a moral to the story.
It can also be a different perspective to consider.