THE PIMPHOP RELIGION – True Democracy Is The Ladies Choice Starring Amitis Moghaddam ft Snoop Dogg


“When a girl has everything, all she wants is a king”
– King
Amitis Feat Snoop Dogg

Moral Of The Story (Ladies Choice Solution)


Click on the images above to review the “New World Religion/Government” articles.

Greetings Earthlings and T.G.I.M. (Thank God It’s Monday!)

Let’s get creative…..

This post was primarily inspired by the recent news reports about some adherents of the Zoroastrian Religion in India filing a law suit against Snoop Dogg, and the government of India among others for their perceived misrepresentation of religious imagery in the video as featured above.

The only extra insight of my own that I will add to the story for those interested in knowing, is that any religion and culture since the beginning of time is actually an idea that a woman or some women gave birth to (word made into flesh) as a result of her choice to believe and accept the concept as something that works for her, and with that said, at the root, it shows that the concept for the song and casting for the video came by way of Amitis, who as a woman that was born and raised in Iran where the religion and its original founder, Zoroaster come from, holds a man’s acceptance of and pleasure with her as a high priority in her psyche, and we second the emotion and applaud her efforts by offering this feature here at Your Friendly Neighborhood


A different religion/perspective to seriously consider.