Whats Next For The Internet? – Basketball Wives Evelyn Lazado vs. Twitter Founders Biz Stone & Evan Williams

What I have never been certain of is whether or not people miss out on shows like this and the insider pimpformation that they provide simply due to a lack of interest, or because the content is not targeted towards audiences who some would expect to most likely not have an interest, yet what I can be certain about and will focus on, is ensuring that the content stays redially available here at
Your Friendly Neighborhood PimpHop.com so that there is no longer any confusion or misunderstanding.

Over the years, there have been a large number of “experts” in the arena of social media popping up to coincide with the explosion of the popularity and usage of the services, yet I personally tend to stick to what the actual creators of the services claim, or certain key select users, such as Evelyn Lazado from the Basketball Wives Reality Show in the case of Twitter, where tweeting the following statement can give valuable insight to all in the industry including the creators of the services in regards to how to effectively turn a buck.

Evelyn Lozada
@EvelynLozadaEvelyn Lozada
sending u a tank boo! Lol RT @lovebscott: @EvelynLozada You are a non mother fucking factor bitch!!! Thank you, I use it ALL the time! xoxo


Whichever way, both points of view are here and available for your viewing pleasure and perhaps a bi lingual approach would offer an individual that much more leverage, so above is a video from an interview with the Twitter Founders regarding The Future Of The Internet at the Aspen Ideas Festival held last month for those who may have had an interest and simply needed an invite.

A different perspective to consider.