SOMEBODIES AND NOBODIES – The Study Of Rankism And Social Hierarchy
[suhm-bod-ee, -buhd-ee, -buh-dee]
1. some person.
2. a person of some note or·bod·y
[noh-bod-ee, -buhd-ee, -buh-dee]
1. no person; not anyone; no one: Nobody answered, so I hung up.
2. a person of no importance, influence, or power.
Wellness, its back to the mysterious pyramid again, which again leads us to a new episode of the same recurring story with new characters.
Rankism is “abusive, discriminatory, or exploitative behavior towards people because of their rank in a particular hierarchy”.[1] Rank-based abuse underlies many other phenomena such as bullying, racism, sexism, and homophobia. The term “rankism” was coined by physicist, educator, and citizen diplomat Robert W. Fuller.
The term Rankism is one that was created by a popular spokesperson on the subject of somebodies and nobodies named Robert Fuller, and while his views are very idealistic in the way of virtue, for some reason, I just don’t see his one size fits all/everybody is somebody approach very feasible and history would agree with me as much of an optimist that I tend to be.
“See, you are what you are in this world, that’s either one of two things.
Either you’re SOMEBODY, or you’re NOBODY. Be right back.”
– Denzel Washington As Frank Lucas, From The Movie American Gangster.
What we can see and know for certain is that some form of an authoritative body is going to be needed to bring about some type of order from the sense of chaos that has developed in the world via social media where everyone, or at least many, are all somebodies in their own mind, or perhaps just have a desire to be seen and recognized by others as other than nobodies, so we can chalk this quick entry up as another different perspective to consider from a different source of expertise and see where it leads to.