GIRL SCOUTS SELLING COOKIES – Now Who In The World Thinks Of These Things? #MoneyMonday

Genuine Vintage Girl Scouts Official Uniform Top.'s/1970's

Genuine Vintage Girl Scouts Official Uniform Top. 1960’s/1970’s


Ready for Cookies?

Buying Girl Scout Cookies is about more than just handing over money for a box. It’s about the skills a girl gains from interacting directly with you. It’s about the experience of running her own cookie business and working with others. And it’s why we encourage you to buy your cookies from a Girl Scout—the Cookie Professional!—and not her parents.

Your purchase means you get tasty cookies—and a girl learns skills that last a lifetime.

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Girl Scout Cookies

Girl Scout Cookies are cookies sold by Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) as one of its major fundraisers for local Scout units. Members of the GSUSA have been selling cookies since 1917 to raise funds. Girls who participate can earn prizes for their efforts. There are also unit incentives if the unit as a whole does well. As of 2007, sales were estimated at about 200 million boxes per year.

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Moral Of The Story

GIRL SCOUTS SELLING COOKIES – Now Who In The World Thinks Of These Things? #MoneyMonday

T.G.I.M. (Thank God It’s Monday!)

This is just a relevant question, which like all relevant questions, are the starting point for conscious thinking and consideration of different perspectives.