“THE INTERNET IS NOT A LUXURY, IT’S A NECESSITY” – President Barack Obama (Life = Women + Money)


“The Internet is not a luxury, it’s a necessity. You cannot connect with today’s economy, without having access to the Internet.”
– President Barack Obama 2015

Moral Of The Story (Solution/How Rylan’s Mind Works)

Well, with as much time as I do spend, have spent, and through the grace of God will continue to spend working smart behind a computer, it does help to have a seconding of the idea and emotion held by yours truly coming by way of the current sitting POTUS, and even deeper, although there was some political flack from Amber Lee Ettienger’s use of the Obama family name, it turned out to play a significant role in making what was at the time considered impossible (Black President with an African Name) be an actual reality and old news in the present time, confirming the actual value of what is known as the ladies choice when it comes to a democratic society, so as a Happy Birthday message to The Pres, and side note for the current and first ever White Houe Demo Day, where tech industry investors are said to be interested in investing into startup ideas from women and minorities, we will continue to push the PH initiative that claims that

Life = Women + Money, with the such said #NewEconomy of today being what we are visualizing in the imagery in this post which we are using the very necessary Internet to connect to!