THIRSTY FOR SIGNIFICANCE – Black Lives Matter, White Lives Matter… People Want To Feel Like They Matter


Moral Of The Story (A Good Question)

Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers.
-Tony Robbins

Lets be rational for a moment shall we?

So people these days sincerely want/need to feel like they matter, and having this need met comes at the expense of the time and attention (ENERGY) of other individuals, right?


Ok, now lets look at the situation of life in the always connected digital culture from the perspective of supply and demand as demonstrated in the article above and ask ourselves the following question.

Do the thirsty people who have need of drink have a greater or lesser significance and matter more or less than the providers of the drink with the thirsty in the role of the person needing to feel a sense of significance, and the drink and its provider as the quencher of the thirst for the feeling of significance?

A “soul searching/soul saving” perspective to seriously consider.