Kindle Books Multi Platform Apps

Hopefully this is not to technical for the average viewer, yet even if it is, we are fully aware that the viewers that frequent this online publication are of the type to“#steptheirtechgameup” when necessary.

This particular product is of an immeasurable importance as it is reflective of the on going global transformation from print to digital content distribution which the post that you are now viewing and its associated format is also reflective of.

What the industry experts are noticing is that while e Readers and tablet computers are increasing in popularity, individuals do actually still desire to view their news updates and other relevant content such as books on their mobile phones, and while the Apple iPhone and iPad themselves are trendy and attractive devices, individuals with gadgets made by the various other manufacturers also have the same demand for digital content, so as of late,, the worlds largest distributor of books, and its digital e Reader device known as The Kindle have now expanded their digital library to make it available to multiple OS platforms by making the Kindle Library Apps that were previously only made for Apple devices work for various smartphone and PC operating systems such as the Android OS as well as Windows 7.

In more non technical terms, you can “get the game” in greater availability, and from this perspective with such a wonderful idea as Kindle Books from, I am eagerly anticipating what may be the next phase of the transformation.

Kindle and iPad Lifestyle Magazines perhaps?

A different perspective to consider.