WikiLeaks And The Intergalactic Media Conglamoratti

WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange

Whats good in the hood?
It seems that we have found ourselves in the middle of an online mafia war taken to a new level of significance.

Once again, it seems that the matters at hand point right back to the original subject of focus for the week which is in regards to women and money as the founder of wikileaks is himself in troubled waters regarding some of his past encounters with members of the opposite sex, as well as cyber-attacks by his supporters on the online destinations for some of the worlds largest financial transaction institutions.

As of current press time, the latest leaks are also in regards to alleged wild sex and drugs parties hosted by the Saudi Arabian Royal Family for those who consider that information to actually be new news.

My personal opinion on the matters shows that in actuality, snitching is still considered a detested character flaw in all cultures and societies, yet the very cause of the entire scenario actually again points to the astronomical value on online media outlets and publications such as the one that you are currently viewing, so I will take it all in stride and continue to research methods which will allow for more useful and mutually beneficial content distribution which work for the greater good of the global and intergalactic community.


Nov 28, 2010 WikiLeaks is a non-profit media organization dedicated to bringing important news and information to the public. We provide an innovative,

A different perspective to consider.