(Repost) How To Translate Your Facebook And Instagram “LIKES” Into “MONEY”


(Editors Note – Monday October 6, 2014)
Article originally re-published on Apr 19, 2013 @ 10:42 by Rylan Branch

Works for Instagram too!


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ben3“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” – Napoleon Hill

(Editors Note – Friday April 19, 2013)
Originally Published on: Jun 28, 2012 @ 19:26

A creative visualization exercise for your viewing pleasure.

(End Note)

Lets see here.
How can we go from point A: as pictured above,
to point B: as pictured below?

What we are at liberty to disclose at this time is simply that both “Money” and Facebook “Likes” are words that describe communications of value that are exchanged between individuals and groups on a continuous basis around the planet, which may reflect a need to reevaluate this matter with a new and different perspective.