Disneyland Club 33- The Happiest Place Inside Of The Happiest Place On Earth

Greetings Earthlings, and Happy Cinco De Mayo if you celebrate.
If you dont, no one is stopping you from doing so, and any excuse to celebrate has high value at the present time, so use it wisely!

Today, I will make your decision to tune in to the show even more rewarding by taking you on a tour of the inside of one of the most exclusive establishments on the planet, known as Club 33 inside of the gates of

The Magic Kingdom,
also known as Disneyland.

Being born and raised in the vicinity of this resort has led to various unique experiences including, but not limited to nearly bumping into
Michael Jackson while crossing paths inside of the park, due to the fact that I was not paying attention as I probably should have been.

I can recall times where an enjoyable experience for many of us was to simply stand or sit in a location at home to watch
the fireworks festivities that took place on a regular daily schedule.

It has always been a certain mystery and mystique regarding this attraction, and there are individuals from all over the world who are continuously arriving and leaving on a daily basis. Through my use of the local public transportation system, tI have concluded that Disneyland is actually a centralized hub which has some form of transportation to and from most travel and lodging locations throughout Southern California.

I have always believed that it is an ideal representation of the positive uses of the Internet, and can recall that one location on Harbor Blvd, directly across from Disneyland was the first to offer an  Internet access kisok to the tourist in the year 2000.
I know, because I actually was one of the local tourist that utilized it frequently.

The story gets more interesting when I recall memories from High School in which we had to perform at Disneyland in a parade, as It gave me a confirmation of what I had often heard from certain people, which is that there is a whole entire underground facility that exist beneath the surface of Disneyland, as this is where we entered the theme park from and arrived inside of the park from the doors of one of the theme locations ,  as do many of the employees.

After years of study, it was then which I was actually introduced to the existence of the exclusive , closed to the general public location inside of the park, known as Club 33.

Of course, there are plenty of rumors regarding this exclusive club, yet from what I know, it was simply a creation that was conceptualized by Walt Disney himself, in order to entertain VIP sponsors and other beneficiaries.
The club is actually located at 33 Royal Street, inside of the
New Orleans Square, which is a location near an apartment that Walt Disney held residence in, while living. The east balcony of  Club 33 is visible from the Pirates Of The Caribbean attraction inside of the park.

The most fascinating tid bit of information for me, is in regards to the clubs exclusivity and cost of membership.

There are two types of Club 33 membership: corporate and individual. As of February 2008 the current membership levels are Corporate Membership, Limited Corporate Membership, and individual Gold Membership. The Corporate and Limited Corporate Memberships allow for transfer of members, while individual memberships are non-transferable. In the late 1990s, Club 33 offered a lower tier of individual membership, the Silver Membership. However, this level of membership was discontinued. As of June 2007, the membership waiting list was 14 years, and membership interest list was closed to new inquiries as of April/May 2007.

Prior to the closure of the membership interest list, those interested in membership would send a written letter of inquiry to Disney. They would then have received a confirmation letter and information packet. Currently, letters of inquiry are replied to with a letter explaining that the interest list is closed, and no new additions are being made to the list. For those waiting on the list, as memberships open, potential members are informed via a letter of intent from Disney.

Initial fees and annual dues vary by membership.

The Corporate Membership fee is $27,500 plus $6,100 in annual fees. Up to nine associate members can be designated at an annual fee of $4,650 each. Members no longer in the employment of the corporate member’s company must surrender the membership cards to Club 33. The corporate member may then designate another member of the company.

The Limited Corporate Membership fee is $13,750 with only one member at an annual fee of $4,650. This entitles the corporation to transfer the membership to another employee whenever necessary.

The Gold Membership is for an individual with a member fee of $10,450 and an annual fee of $3,275. Additional use of a membership card is by spouse only, with reservations accepted only from the cardholder, the spouse, or the cardholder’s assistant. The Gold Membership is not transferable.

There is plenty of information regarding the actual history of the club as well as some of the historic items located inside, including memorabilia from many of the Classic Disney Movies.
A good place to begin your reasearch is at the unofficial Club 33 website

Due to the current changes in leadership and various other conditions in America and Globally, my personal challenge would be to President Obama, to see what his chances of entering the Club 33 establishment would be as a visitor or actual memeber, even though he himself has an exclusive residence which is shrouded in mystery along with an extensive requirement sheet for visitation.

My only recourse is to simply leave you with an online tour of Club 33, compliments of YouTube

In closing, this long discourse is simply to remind myself of the possibilities that exist with original ideas which stem from unique perspectives, and since
The Magic Kingdom is currently classified as


The Happiest Place On Earth,

I can now declare your Friendly Neighborhood PimpHop.com as


The Happiest Place In Cyberspace!

Where exactly is cyberspace?
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