PimpHop.com via Samsung Galaxy – Where Art And Science Become One

Where Art And Science Become One

Moving Forward.
I had the priveledge of lab testing a Samsung Galaxy Tablet with Verizon 4G service to start the day, and the task was to configure it to be functional enough for one of my family members with a less than average degree of technical savy to utilize it to achieve his goals.

We could take the ordinary route by getting into the tech specifications regarding the device, yet we will do things differently today and simply chalk it up to a matter of perspective by showing our viewers what they would look and feel like when the amount of value that is added to them and their offerings is on par with the degree that one places on a piece of valuable art work or images of imporatnt people in their lives as displayed on their desk tops, walls, or furniture settings in their home residence or places of business.



Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keeps the law, happy is he. – Proverbs 29:18