Full Transparency – PH Behind The Scenes With Brother Damien Thomas
"If a man say, I love God, and hates his brother, he is a liar: for he that loves not his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen?" 1John 4:20
Real quick. Yesterdays area of focus was on the subject of self esteem and in a link that was shared in regards to signs of High Self Esteem, one of the signs was listed as the ability to admit to mistakes and make corrections, so with that said, with this thing called The Internet and words and pictures in the form of communication, I may have neglected to give proper credit where it is due, so above is an image of my brother Damien Thomas, and he the co owner and web developer behind the thing called PimpHop.com
There may be a situation that has been created by me that places him in a position to find a way to insert his own importance for those who may be in question due to my own neglect, as his personality type is more introverted, and while I tend to be on the extroverted side when it comes conducting business ventures, individuals who frequent these parts and familiar with its staff members are not able to see his shine, so I will take it upon myself to state the facts as above, and restate the mission, which are that this venture was created for the sake of helping others to reach a state of satisfaction which would require that we as service providers have satisfaction first in order to assist others in this area.
To close this brief yet very significant message, I make a declaration that my resolve requires that I stick to the script even when it may seem to be better to deviate from it, and my life experience offers plenty of clear proof in regards to prior, current, and God Willing, continuous prosperous end results which bring justice to these means.
“Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which spitefully use you.” – Luke 6:28
Stick To The Script (Positive)Â = Cant(Negative) + Loose(Negative)
Stay Tuned.
A transparent perspective to consider.