MAKE IT HAPPEN!! – (Real Life vs.The Internet) Rylan Branch Self Analysis Fall 2013
Dr. Phil Life Law #5: Life rewards action. Strategy: Make careful decisions and then pull the trigger. Learn that the world couldn’t care less about thoughts without actions.
verb (used without object)
1. to take place; come to pass; occur: Something interesting is always happening in New York.
2. to come to pass by chance; occur without apparent reason or design: Don’t ask me what caused it—it just happened, that’s all.
3. to have the fortune or lot (to do or be as specified); chance: I happened to see him on the street.
4. to befall, as to a person or thing: Something dreadful has happened to me.
5. to meet or discover by chance (usually followed by on or upon ): to happen on a clue to a mystery.
1. IRL
Abbreviation for “In Real Life.” Often used in internet chat rooms to let people you are talking about something in the real world and not in the internet world. Also can be used to differentiate between an actor/actress and the character they play.
“I totally hate that guy IRL!” (Internet)“I fucked that whore IRL!” (Internet)
“He/she does not live in New York IRL.” (Actor/Actress)
An “on with the show” perspective to consider.