INVITED TO LIKE YOUR FACEBOOK PAGE. How Much Of Your Success Depends On Other People’s Input?

Facebook Page facebook 2

Moral Of The Story (Solution)

As the saying goes, perception is reality, so one reality exists where individuals on Facebook are under the microscope of, while another reality shows individuals on have Facebook under the microscope.

Now the following line of thinking can actually be applied to any and all online social networking services that provide ways for individuals to connect in the ways and for the purposes that are of their liking.

People most often use Facebook in order to connect with people, and people also then use the people that they use Facebook to connect with.

Whenever yours truly gets an invite to like or follow any on a social media website, I look at it from the perspective of a consumer and ask what is in it for me, and how I benefit for serving another ones want or need to be followed or liked.

Does it help me in anyway to invest the time and pay the attention that is required to service the demand of the person who is inviting me to help them?

We can also notice the fact that each individual on any of the Top Social Media websites i.e. Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook each has their own personal profile that starts them off at zero with the goal of attaining likes, follows, favorites, and retweets of their own which by default puts each of them in a competition with each other.

Long story short, it has been our long standing position here At Your Friendly Neighborhood, since the days of Yahoo Groups, and Myspace, that the actual most effective way to attain success is through positioning ones own self and company to serve by helping others to attain success with their endeavors as opposed to endeavoring to use individuals in order to attain success for our own selfish and narcissistic supply needs, so we sincerely hope that any who took the time to consider this different perspective stands to gain some valuable insight.

