E-COMMERCE PIMPIN – Kylie Jenner Says “Link Is In Bio. Money Don’t Change Hands On Instagram”


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Moral Of The Story (And This Is Extremely Important + Relevant Because?)

bank new

Peep Game Tho…

While observing my online banking data increase on the plus side before looking at Kylie saying “Kylie What’s Good”, I have come to the conclusion that people saying “Link Is In Bio” must mean that the actual financial transactions which equate to good business performance actually do go down somewhere other’ than in the DM and on online social networking services as a whole, which is where I tend to spend a good portion of my valuable time and energy, such as the good place that you have selected to travel to while reading this @ PimpHop.com which is where?

You’ve guessed correctly.
In a whole other nother place and on a whole other nother level!

A “financially sound” perspective to consider.