SHE’S FEELING HERSELF!!! – Why What I Think About Her Matters Oh So Much To Her Starring Beyoncé


“Feeling Myself”

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Moral Of The Story (Feeling Herself Solution)


Click on the image above to review “THE REAL MVP” article!

Now you know The Game is DEEP when…..

It’s just like Beyoncé to make me have to pull a LeBron James and break my self imposed social media fast and click the like button on a stunner from Houston Texas real quick, just like he did in the story at this link, so that I can go on back to my business and see don’t I hit the buzzer beater shot within a few hours from now and subsequently stay winning and then elevate to the NBA Conference Finals.

It may be a result of watching too much Spring Season basketball, because looking at Bey’s #1 Stunner jersey confirms exactly what is written in the article link up above and reconfirmation quote down below.

Beyoncé.. You The REAL MVP. Like Foreal Foreal Tho!


A “write your own future” perspective to consider.